1. Identification and activity of the company
The owner and party responsible for the domain is the company NARVAL PHARMA S.A. with registered offices at Calle Doctor Esquerdo, 154. 28007 Madrid. and entered in the Madrid Register of Companies, Volume 15192, Book 0, Page 144, Section 8, Sheet M-252283/INSC 1, with Tax Identity:A-82572777. Company contact details: Tel. +34 91 709 01 33/ +34 902 26 26 46 – Fax: +34 91 351 29 55.
2. Description of services
The main service offered in the domain,, is the provision of information on the company’s own products and services.
3. Provision of services by NARVALPHARMA.COM
NARVALPHARMA.COM rejects any responsibility for the misuse of the contents and reserves the right to update, restrict or remove them temporarily or permanently when it deems appropriate. Likewise, NARVAL PHARMA, S.A. will inform the user, whenever it is foreseeable, of any interruption in the service that may occur due to the updating or improvement of the services, their maintenance or for reasons beyond the user’s control.
4. Rights and obligations of the user.
The user agrees, being solely responsible, to use the services offered by NARVALPHARMA.COM in accordance with the law, these general conditions and their updates according to the rules of good faith, morality and public order generally accepted.
5. Intellectual property
All the contents of in the form of texts, source code, graphic design, animations as well as brands, commercial names and other denominations are subject to the intellectual and industrial property rights of Narval Pharma, S.A. and are protected by law.
Under no circumstances does access to Narval Pharma’s services imply the renunciation, transmission, transfer or total or partial licensing of such content to third parties, nor does it confer any right to use, translate, alter, adapt, exploit, copy, distribute or publicly communicate such content without the prior express authorization of Narval Pharma, S.A. or the third party owner of the rights in question. Under no circumstances is the total or partial reproduction of the data and content accessed on authorized (and will be prosecuted) or used in contravention of current legislation on industrial or intellectual property.
6. Link (Links)
Narval Pharma S.A. assumes no responsibility for the information contained in third-party websites that include a link to
Any user who wishes to include a link to the domain or the pages that comprise it, must notify NARVALPHARMA.COM
It is absolutely forbidden to include content or provide services on third party websites that could directly or indirectly harm Narval Pharma, S.A.
Narval Pharma, S.A., reserves the unilateral right to prohibit, limit or demand the cancellation of links to the domain, when it deems it appropriate, by simple notification to the owner of the website, without under any circumstances being obliged to pay any type of compensation for this reason.
7. Modifications.
Narval Pharma, S.A. may modify or update these General Conditions, which will be published on the website, without the need for any other additional notification to website users.
8. Applicable legislation and jurisdiction.
Narval Pharma, S.A. and the user, expressly renouncing any other jurisdiction or applicable legislation that may correspond to them, are subject to the legislation of common Spanish law and to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Madrid (Spain), unless the applicable legislation imperatively determines another jurisdiction or different legislation.
9. User’s consent.
The user declares to have read the present general conditions, accepting and authorizing, fully and expressly, all that is set forth in each one of them each time he or she accesses or uses its services.
NARVAL PHARMA S.A. | C/ Valle de Tena, 20. | 28669 Boadilla del Monte (Madrid) Spain
Tel: +34 91 709 01 33 | +34 902 26 26 46 | Fax: +34 91 351 29 55 |
We manufacture under the GMP standards (Good Manufacturing Practice) and the HACCP system. To do so, we carry out analytical studies of each one of our manufacturing batches with the corresponding quality certificate of the final product.
M-F 9pm to 5pm GMT+1
Seguimos trabajando y comprometidos
Desde la declaración del estado de alarma, nuestro equipo hace teletrabajo.
Continuamos con nuestra actividad como proveedores de distribuidores de farmacias.
Nos comprometemos a mantener el abastecimiento y nuestro servicio de venta online, para que no te falte nada en tu establecimiento o en tu hogar.
¡Gracias por quedarte en casa y mucho ánimo!
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